Physical therapy treatment has been proven to help with recuperating from the effects of Covid-19.

According to the CDC, recovery from the Coronavirus varies from person to person. Some recover from the virus within a few weeks, while others experience ongoing health conditions for more than four weeks as a result of the virus. Many who have recovered from the virus report having decreased endurance and overall physical health.

Here at Restoration we are committed to “getting you back to where you were.” If you are continuing to suffer from side effects following Covid-19 with symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath with activity, or general weakness, we highly recommend starting physical therapy treatment with us.

3 Key Treatments for Covid-19 Recovery:

General Strengthening

Muscle strengthening is required to improve your tolerance for basic life activities such as standing, walking, and lifting. We use a combination of body weight, resistance, and weighted exercises to improve your strength deficits, and help you regain your previous level of activity.

Cardiovascular Endurance

When you are sick with Covid-19, it may affect your lungs or your heart, which reduces your cardiovascular endurance. Heart health and lung function are important to ensuring your body is receiving the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients needed for basic body function. We will work with you to safely improve your cardiovascular endurance and help you return to walking in the community, performing housework, yardwork, and fitness activities.

Core Strengthening & Balance

Covid-19 has been linked to neurological deficits that can reduce your balance. A decline in your balance can put you at risk of falls. We use a combination of treatment 0ptions, including balance boards, static balance activities, and dynamic balance activities, to improve the communication between your brain, nerves, and muscles.